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Haltwhistle, The Centre of Britain
Arrived in Haltwhistle with a certain amount of trepidation having read an article in a National newspaper the week earlier stating the local constablary were having problems with noisy teenagers, specifically girls. One of the problems pubs was The Manor House Inn where we were booked to stay. Which explains why the landlady, when we booked, was emphatic our rooms were quiet and away from the pub.
Haltwhistle Main Street
 The Manor House, it turned out to be very quiet. The Landlord told us what nice people we were and wonderful guests to have. Not sure what that says for the others.
We found our local pub which we frequented every night. The Black Bull, listed in the book of good pubs.
 Everything had the title The Centre of Britain, the butchers, baker & candlestick maker.

Barry's first official walk with us. New boots, backpack, lunch and map to walk Hadrian's Wall
 They have several different types of turnstiles, this is the ladder type.
 Here it is, Hadrian's Wall. Started in AD122 to keep out the Picts, that would be the Scots. I find it fascinating that parts of it are still standing. The small square in this picture used to be a watch tower. Eighty Roman miles of wall when it was built with some type of fort or tower every 1/3 of a mile. There isn't much of it left now but what there is gives you a good idea of it's size. I had goose bumps to think we were on a wall that had be guarded by Romans 2000 years ago.
Taking a break, sitting on the wall. It almost fest disrepectfull, but I did it.

This is truly free range chickens, they were running all over the place.

Fort Vindolanda, Roman about 2000 years ago. Still excavating it. Letters home in Tablets have been found. Roman soldiers writing home to Mom to send socks. Somethings never change. It was very interesting, plus you were allowed to wander in the sections they have completed excavating. Great day out.

This was great. This little van was parked in the parking lot miles from anywhere, it made cappucino, latte, just like a mini Starbucks. No Tea tho.
The scenery gorgeous, the walk exhilerating.

Note the cow patty at the bottom of the ladder, right where you step off. Barry's comment, the cow must've been straining to get over the ladder!!!!!!
Nana the Explorer!

Note the marks in the top of the rock. This is stone the Roman's tried to use for the wall. They tried to chissel apart this piece and gave up as it was too hard. Still there from 2000 years ago, and I can touch it, blows my mind.

We met a couple from Darwin, Australia touring England. The wife wanted her picture taken with me when she found out I live in Oklahoma. Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!